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Wednesday 19 March 2024 3-6 pm on Pistol Bay 4
Read and agree to the terms of the waiver.  Then fill in in the boxes and SUBMIT.   Items marked with * are required to be filled in. 

First go HERE to read the RSSC waiver.  Then come back to complete registration

Select One
Member Rio Cowboys
Member Rio Salado Sportsman's Club

Having read the RSSC waiver, I understand the basic rules of firearms safety and I agree to follow them at all times.  I further certify that I have read and understand the Waiver of Liability and execute this instrument voluntarily on this date.  If I am under the age of 18, I understand I must be accompanied by a legal guardian who will execute the Waiver in person.  If you will be arriving after 4 pm please put a note to that effect in the comments .  

Payment  must now be online!  After submitting this form you will be directed to the store for payment .  No cash accepted at the range.



Preferred method to be contacted:

If you will be wanting an Orientation to Cowboy Action Shooting please contact our Territroial Governor/Club President Colt Laredo at 

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