Trading Post
13 DEC
NOTICE: RSCASS is only providing a listing service to its members. RSCASS has no knowledge of the quality or condition of any item being offered for sale, and therefore RSCASS specifically and without limitation denies any and all responsibility for the quality and condition of an item, the value of the item, or any representations whatsoever in relation to the item made by the seller
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1. 125 45LC new Starline $35
2. 175 45LC used, deprimed, cleaned $35
3. 149 45 Schofeld new Starline $45
4. 255 45 Schofeld new Starline NICKLED $70
5. 100 38 S&W new Starline $25
6. 700 .452 RNFP 200 GR Oregon Trail $70
7. 1000 .431 RNFP 240 GR Oregon Trail $70
8. 500 .431 SWC 240 GR Oregon Trail $70
9. 358 .430 RNFP 205 GR COATED Bear Creek $35
If intrested in any selections please call Dave Kuchler(Superstition Slim) 480-288-6316 or e-mail cdk4570@centurylink.net prices are reasonably negotiable
Brand New 38 Cal. Mernickle Hollin Wolf Signature Model Left Side Cross Draw Rig. 42 inch belt. In black. $475.
Contact: Larry Siferd. larrysiferd5255@gmail.com. 480-688-5255.